Hyaluronic acid + hydrolyzed collagen + vitamin B12
Æ©ÌÀ质»À + ¿å²ò胶¸¶ÃÁÇò + 维À¸ÁÇ B12
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¡ÚHyaluronic Acid-containing Hadazakura Face Lotion is a moisturizing lotion that luxuriously contains high-quality moisturizing ingredients of the leading role. By moisturizing not only in one direction but also from various directions, it moisturizes not only the surface of the skin but also the depths of the skin, improving the ability to generate moisture by itself and keeping the moisture in every corner of the skin for a long time.¡Û
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¢¨What is hyaluronic acid?
It has excellent water retention, prevents drying, and gives moisture.
¢¨What is hydrolyzed collagen?
Double-structured collagen that has been micronized to 1/1000 or 1/1000 of normal collagen. 1/100 collagen creates moisture in the epidermis and strengthens moisturization. 1/1000 collagen acts in the dermis to produce collagen, strengthening elasticity and elasticity.
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¢¨What is Vitamin B12?
It has a very important role in skin regeneration and sebum suppression.
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Manufacturer Sakura Co., Ltd.
"There are individual differences in effectiveness and efficacy."
"If it doesn't fit, stop using it and consult your doctor."
À©Â¤¾¦ Sakura Co., Ltd.