¡ÚWhen Hadazakura revolution water (terahertz wave) containing organic germanium and MSM is applied to the skin, it is thought that an electron film is formed and a large number of electromotive particles are generated. The generated electromotive particles capture and take in free electrons (elementary particles with negative electricity) in the atmosphere and substances (moisture), and the surplus electrons are pushed out and taken in again to the electronic circuit. Will occur. The weak flow of electrons that work from the surface of the skin enhances the electrical conductivity of the body and contracts the muscles, has a positive effect on muscle (flexibility) assistance, smooth movement of joints, etc., balances the body, and has athletic ability. Improve. By balancing your body, it also has a positive effect on beauty, health and psychology. ]
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¢¨What is a terahertz wave?
It is ultra-fine vibration. It is thought that the finer the vibration frequency, the faster the conduction speed, which has a positive effect on the body. By transmitting ultra-fine vibrations, it can be expected to promote blood circulation and activate metabolism. Blood circulates in every corner of the human body and is well hydrated. Ultra-fine vibrations of terahertz waves are conducted to the water in the living body, and the cells are tuned, constantly working to lead human beings to the healthy state they should be, and it is very important to balance the living body and maintain homeostasis. It is believed to have an impact.
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¢¨What is organic germanium?
Germanium is a substance located between metal and non-metal, and in nature, it is present in trace amounts in minerals. Germanium, a type of semiconductor, is said to generate ions and also infrared rays at a certain temperature. Organogermanium is a compound made of carbon containing germanium and is naturally occurring. It is sometimes used in medicines and supplements, but it is also used as a germanium hot bath in which powder is melted. Organogermanium is expected to have the effect of boosting immunity and preventing osteoporosis. It is also contained in trace amounts in food, such as herring, shishamo, and dried hijiki seaweed.
¢¨What is MSM (methylsulfonylmethane)?
MSM is a natural sulfur compound that works to soothe pain and inflammation and warm the body. It is present in all living things and is also found in cartilage, muscles, skin, hair, nails, etc. in human joints. MSM is known to have excellent analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that reduce pain and inflammation.
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Manufacturer Sakura Co., Ltd.
"There are individual differences in effectiveness and efficacy."
"If it doesn't fit, stop using it and consult your doctor."
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